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Na začátku prosince vyjde soundtrack Hobita

Společnost Watertower Music oficiálně oznámila datum vydání soundtracku The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. Stane se tak 11. prosince 2012 a to ve dvou formátech – ve speciální a standardní edici, obě čítají 2CD.

Obsah speciální edice

CD 1:

  1. My Dear Frodo
  2. Old Friends (Extended Version)
  3. An Unexpected Party (Extended Version)
  4. Blunt the Knives performed by The Dwarf Cast
  5. Axe or Sword?
  6. Misty Mountains performed by Richard Armitage and The Dwarf Cast
  7. The Adventure Begins
  8. The World is Ahead
  9. An Ancient Enemy
  10. Radagast the Brown (Extended Version)
  11. The Trollshaws
  12. Roast Mutton (Extended Version)
  13. A Troll-hoard
  14. The Hill of Sorcery
  15. Warg-scouts

CD 2:

  1. The Hidden Valley
  2. Moon Runes (Extended Version)
  3. The Defiler
  4. The White Council (Extended Version)
  5. Over Hill
  6. A Thunder Battle
  7. Under Hill
  8. Riddles in the Dark
  9. Brass Buttons
  10. Out of the Frying-Pan
  11. A Good Omen
  12. Song of the Lonely Mountain (Extended Version) performed by Neil Finn
  13. Dreaming of Bag End


  • A Very Respectable Hobbit
  • Erebor
  • The Dwarf Lords
  • The Edge of the Wild

Obsah standardní edice

CD 1:

  1. My Dear Frodo
  2. Old Friends
  3. An Unexpected Party
  4. Axe or Sword?
  5. Misty Mountains performed by Richard Armitage and The Dwarf Cast
  6. The Adventure Begins
  7. The World is Ahead
  8. An Ancient Enemy
  9. Radagast the Brown
  10. Roast Mutton
  11. A Troll-hoard
  12. The Hill of Sorcery
  13. Warg-scouts

Disc 2:

  1. The Hidden Valley
  2. Moon Runes
  3. The Defiler
  4. The White Council
  5. Over Hill
  6. A Thunder Battle
  7. Under Hill
  8. Riddles in the Dark
  9. Brass Buttons
  10. Out of the Frying-Pan
  11. A Good Omen
  12. Song of the Lonely Mountain performed by Neil Finn
  13. Dreaming of Bag End

Zdroj: ComingSoon

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